13 August 2011

Diary Of A Lady Doctor

The chamber of a gynecologist is a strange place to be in. Seated outside in the waiting lounge exposed to commotion characteristic of a medical establishment one can hardly get an idea of what transpires within the secure confines of these 10 ft by 10 ft chambers.Inside as a woman is sealed from the world with in its four walls she is split wide open to a single person who has her permission to enter her  body and sometimes her mind too.

 The need to visit such a facility and open up to a consultant occupying authority arises out of certain vital biological functions carried out during the course of a life born as female. The dialogue conducted within the confines of these holed up clinical places are reflective of turmoil of an average woman’s life and that itself makes the whole place anything but ordinary. 

The sheer volume of work and consequent exhaustion at times might have compelled the slogger in me to label the routine as mundane, repetitive and insipid but the observer in me has painstakingly been taking cognizance of pathos that surround my subjects. My expertise as gynecologist makes me deal with human body born with genetic equation of 44XX therefore programmed to go through the ordeal of menstrual cycle, Puberty Pregnancy, and menopause but that is a miniscule part of the entire spectrum of purpose I serve to my clients.

During the course of their seeking my counsel I end up entering their lives. 

I end up taking their decisions. I end up knowing more than I should.

Every subject is Distinct. Every situation is different. Every story is unique.

Some have solutions, others are simply irredeemable.

The boundary between professional and humanitarian duties is blurred so often that at times one has to make efforts to stay detached at the cost of being labeled insensitive.

The lives are born, terminated, curtailed and at times ruined by advice emanating from such chambers. The vitality of nature of our work domain makes it a significant place not just for the visitor but also for those within her sphere of influence. The atypia interspersed with the typicality of my work as a ‘woman’s doctor’ serves me well. It keeps me hooked to the otherwise demanding profession. It allows me to stay human with a requisite dose of humility. It also makes me see the world from a perspective other than that of arrogance-ridden world of healers I belong to.


And if you thought the counsel between the clinician and the client is designed for the benefit of the latter you couldn’t be farther from truth. It is as much for the person occupying the other side of examination table.

I deal with women in age group which spans from very young to very old. However majority of my clients belong to fertile age group. That incidentally is the cluster where all the action lies. A woman is a powerhouse of energy  is a fact known to everyone but a woman is epitome  of  adaptability and acceptance of the weirdest of things happening with her or through her was something I learnt during my dealing with them . And like a true character of my own script I adapted and accepted.

Every subject had something sensitive, poignant or secret in nature to share. How many secrets can one hold? I had no idea till I joined private practice. I learnt as women are assured of patient hearing in a non judgmental manner they acquire an inane sense of confidence. The interactive Sessions then acquire the relevance of therapy sessions. The healing process takes off from long before they pop a prescribed pill or are wheeled in to procedure area. Whatever field of specialization counseling remains single most important aspect of our role as a healer.  I cannot say how many of us take cognizance of the fact. 

I am glad I did.

A Gynecologist is not trained to a sexologist and can’t therefore be expected to function as one. It, like any other field of medicine has a demarcated area of expertise with specifications and limitations. But often this premise is overlooked. It is particularly breached in our field which deals with the business of making babies. The biological functions lying in the ambit of the subject are so intricately fused with the function of conjugality and sexual activity that the line between the two forever remains blurred.   

In this blog I plan to jot down interesting case history of certain atypical cases I came across during my course as practicing doctor.The stories have been heavily modified to safeguard privacy. These could have been stories of real individuals with real situations but I am bound by professional ethics and therefore can’t disclose anything which even remotely resembles a person or her situation. Each story has components derived from a couple of others with similar profile. I have utmost regards for those who choose me to be their savior in times when they needed one. The sanctity of my commitment towards my clients thus remains unchallenged. Any resemblance to characters or situations is incidental.

On the other hand if these stories remain untold some of us will remain oblivious of trials n tribulations; Strength and courage; conviction and sincerity apart from connivance and manipulation pathgnomic of the world of fair maiden.

The stories may not be real but my experiences most definitely are.

I will be posting one story each week.

Watch out for this space.



  1. Looking forward to the first story. Let the action begin.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The blog title is awesome. will wait for the 1st story.

  4. Wishing you all the best to new platform of honing your writing skills.drrktiwari

  5. a great blog! Hoping theres more to come!

  6. The responsible amongst your profession doc are always guardians of someone's secrets. The more intimate your contact the more shameful these secrets that you hear. The conflict between your responsibility as the beholder of this trust & the responsibility as someone with social conscience is an interesting one & it is a bold step you take to be the voice of those who can't raise their own due to their shame. I truly hope that the pages to come would live up to the promise & raise curtain over some unsavoury truths of our society. Waiting in anticipation!

  7. To tell stories that unfold before you in your chamber of secrets would be quite a challenge to say the least. More so when you would need to hide and reveal at the same time. You seem quite up to it. Best of luck. So far so good....

  8. Hi,

    The affirmative response from each of you has negated the last bit of inertia and vacillation I had at my end till now.There is a minute difference between story telling and sensationalism.I wish to avoid the latter at all cost.

    @ psyberspinx : To assume every secret has an element of disgrace or shame as you mention will be unfair without knowing of the perspective. Some secrets are profoundly aweinspiring.Those simply don't want to be discovered.

    And Rajeev Rastogi(viewsofmuse) Being in the chamber of secret for long effortlessly grooms you to the art of fine balance between selective hide and partial reveal...
    stay assured.

    Thanx everyone

